1 Quality. It is worth investing in a good rotary washing line that will last a long time. A washing line needs to cope with a variety of weather conditions. Look for hard wearing paint and strong metal supports. Look for guarantees against lines sagging or breaking. Some products such as Austral and Hills come with a 10 year guarantee.
2 Size. Rotary washing lines come in many sizes. Some have 60 metres of line space which are suitable for big families with lots of washing. Others have about 30 metres which is suitable for one or two people. And the bigger the line space the bigger the diameter that is taken up in your garden, so make sure you get the size that best suits your washing needs.
3 Is it removable? If you have a small garden that is frequently used for barbeques or that the kids need the whole run of then it is really best to get a rotary style washing line that can be easily removed from the ground and kept out of the way when not in use. If you have a larger garden with an area specifically for the rotary airer or washing line, or if you probably won't need to remove it from the ground then this is not so important.
4 Can it fold in? If you don't need to remove the rotary washing line from the garden do you need to fold it in when not in use? Some products fold in easily, while others aren't designed to fold in so make sure you get the right type for you.
5 Colour! Yep that is right, there are many standard colours to choose from but now some companies can make your washing line in any colour you desire!
6 Breeze brakes. Some rotary airers and washing lines come with breeze brakes, these are a good idea if you live in a very windy area, the breeze brake keeps control of your washing line!
7 Gear system. Some rotary washing lines have a gear system that will hoist your washing line high into the air, these are good on days when the breeze is not strong, the gears push your washing up into the breeze.
8 Coat hooks. Coats don't dry brilliantly on ordinary pegs, they are too bulky and can become misshapen, coat hooks are a great idea.
9 Sheet separator. Some of the bigger rotary clotheslines and washing lines come with king size sheet separators, so they have lots of space to dry quickly.
10 Installation. Finally, do you need to buy your rotary washing line from a company that will deliver and install it for you? This is definitely worth thinking about.
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